{ "name": "Medium ad (300x250) with heading text", "description": "A basic 300x250 ad with a heading ??for example, \"Support for this station comes from\"", "variables": [ { "defaultValue": "Support for this station comes from", "label": "Heading Text", "uniqueName": "HeadingText", "description": "For best results, character count shouldn\u0027t be more than 38 including spaces. Example heading text: \"Station Promotion\" or \"Support for this station comes from\"", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "STRING" }, { "isTrackingUrl": false, "urlType": "STANDARD_HTTP", "label": "Click-through URL", "uniqueName": "ClickthroughURL", "description": "The ad unit will drive users to this URL when clicked.", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "URL" }, { "mimeTypes": [], "label": "300x250 Image File", "uniqueName": "300x250ImageFile", "description": "Use a 300x250 pixel ad image file. Note that \"target ad unit size\" should be 300x300 to accommodate the heading text.", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "ASSET" } ], "formatter": "\u003cdiv style\u003d\"font-size: 13px; color: #999; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: 2;\"\u003e[%HeadingText%]\u003c/div\u003e\n\u003ca href\u003d\"%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%[%ClickthroughURL%]\"\n\ntarget\u003d?_new?\u003e\n\n\u003cimg src\u003d[%300x250ImageFile%]\n\nwidth\u003d\"300\" height\u003d\"250\" /\u003e\n\n\u003c/a\u003e\n", "type": "USER_DEFINED", "isInterstitial": false, "isNativeEligible": false, "isSafeFrameCompatible": false }