{ "name": "Medium ad (300x250) with heading and footer text", "description": "A basic 300x250 ad with heading and footer text. The heading says, for example, \"Support for this station comes from.\" Character count for heading should be no more than 30 characters, including spaces. The footer says \"Become a sponsor for this station,\" and provides a link to a place with more information.", "variables": [ { "defaultValue": "Support for this station comes from", "label": "Heading Text", "uniqueName": "HeadingText", "description": "For best results, character count shouldn\u0027t be more than 38 including spaces. Example heading text: \"Station Promotion\" or \"Support for this station comes from\"", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "STRING" }, { "isTrackingUrl": false, "urlType": "STANDARD_HTTP", "label": "Click-through URL", "uniqueName": "ClickthroughURL", "description": "The ad unit will drive users to this URL when clicked.", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "URL" }, { "mimeTypes": [], "label": "300x250 Image File", "uniqueName": "300x250ImageFile", "description": "Use a 300x250 pixel ad image file. Note that \"target ad unit size\" should be 300x300 to accommodate the heading text.", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "ASSET" }, { "defaultValue": "Become a sponsor for this station", "label": "Footer Text", "uniqueName": "FooterText", "description": "Text about how to become a sponsor, for example, \"Become a sponsor for this station.\" The text should not exceed 38 characters, including spaces.", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "STRING" }, { "isTrackingUrl": false, "urlType": "STANDARD_HTTP", "label": "Sponsor Information URL", "uniqueName": "SponsorInformationURL", "description": "Link to the page with information about becoming a sponsor.", "isRequired": true, "variableType": "URL" } ], "formatter": "\u003cdiv style\u003d\"font-size: 13px; color: #999; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: 2;\"\u003e[%HeadingText%]\u003c/div\u003e\n\u003ca href\u003d\"%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%[%ClickthroughURL%]\" target\u003d?_new?\u003e\n\n\u003cimg src\u003d[%300x250ImageFile%]\n\nwidth\u003d\"300\" height\u003d\"250\" /\u003e\n\n\u003c/a\u003e\n\u003ca href\u003d\"%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%[%SponsorInformationURL%]\" target\u003d?_new? style\u003d\"font-size: 13px; color: #999; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; line-height: 2; display: block; color: #168dd9; opacity:0.8; text-decoration:none;\"\u003e[%FooterText%]\u003c/a\u003e\n", "type": "USER_DEFINED", "isInterstitial": false, "isNativeEligible": false, "isSafeFrameCompatible": false }